The story is set in the fictional medieval world of Albion which is a similar world to that of the Zelda games. The allĮncompassing story sees you take on the role of a young hero when he is still a small lad. Almost four years later and Fable is on the shelves, the question I am asking is “was Peter’s promise kept”?įirstly, if we are being Knit Picky about this – I am not sure Fable even falls directly into the category of RPG, due to the amount of action and other varieties of game-play involved in the game. Back in 2001 when Peter announced the development of Fable, in conjunction with Microsoft, he promised that Fable would be the greatest role playing game the world has seen. The game is the brainchild of maverick UK developer Peter Molyneux, head man at Lion-head Studios. Fable is one of the most anticipated releases since the launch of the Xbox a couple of years ago.